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Admit it! You hate Jazz.

Okay. You say you like jazz. But not avant-garde jazz. What the heck is "chamber jazz" anyway? Here are three reasons why you should check out NPO TRIO LIVE AT THE STONE today!

Reason #1
Because you HATE avant-garde jazz.
You will like this album.- New music that sounds familiar and foreign, improvised but sounds composed, and Yiddish melodies made fresh! You will feel invigorated.

Reason #2
So you have a go-to "small talk" at your next function and be the most cosmopolitan and sophisticated person in the room. "Have you heard the new 'NPO Trio Live At The Stone' album yet?"

Reason #3
Because you are our friend after all.

Check it out today!
iTune, Apple Music, Bandcamp, etc.


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